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Geographical Indication Registration Cell

The specific characteristics of a geographical region, like climate, culture, quality, taste, color, smell in a product, its quality, taste, color, smell have been consists for many years, if those properties persist over the years, so such products can be registered with the Registrar, of Geographical Indications, Office, Chennai to obtain Geographical Indication.

Agricultural products bearing Geographical Indication Certificate are protected for 10 years from unauthorized products from other regions, adulteration, under-pricing etc. It is also possible to extend the protection period. This helps the local agricultural producers in the state to have access to the market.

At present, a total of 28 types of agricultural products in the State have received Geographical Indication/Certification. Due to the agricultural climate, divisions of the state, each region has various distinctive products. A Geographical Indication Registration Cell has been set up in the Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board, (MSAMB) to provide advisory services to registered farmers groups and producers associations etc. for registration of such products.

Services offered through Geographical Indication Registration Cell -

  • Preparation of product, detailed applicant organization information, report to acquire potential product ownership for Geographical Indication (Product specifications, name and logo for geographical indication, description of goods, geographical area of ​​production and map etc.)
  • Submit the application to Registrar of Geographical Indications, Chennai on behalf of applicant organization.
  • Following up with GI authority at each stage of registration and fulfillment of compliances.
  • To attend every hearing called by Authority
  • Guidance for increasing the number of authorized users after obtaining a Geographical Indication, as well as guidance for the marketing of their products, implementation of various schemes for the development of Geographical Indication products.

Benefits of registration under Geographical Indication:

  • Once received the GI certificate, identifies the registered product as the authorized user of the product.
  • By registering as an authorized user, one can sell the product with geographical indication logo. It helps in selling the product to the consumer by creating recognition of its unique attributes.
  • Selling by using the official logo of Geographical Indication helps to fetch a better price.
  • A crop bearing a geographical indication can be exported through an exporter or self-export. It helps to develop the brand nationally as well as internationally.

Who can apply for registration of Geographical Indication-

Registered Farmer Producer Organization or Producer Association etc. Only those who are concerned with the interest of that product can apply for this registration.

For more information on obtaining new Geographical Indication contact:-

Domestic Trade Development (Head Office) Pune: 020-24528100/200 

Mangesh Kadam (Assistant General Manager) Mo.No.7588022201

Anand Shukla (Assistant) Mo.No.8788597834