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As a supplement to the finance of APMC, the Maharashtra State Agricultural Marketing Board gives some amount as loan to enable APMCs to undertake developmental programmes. However, MSAMB insists on availing loans from Banks by the APMCs for their development programmes. The development works include Drinking water facility, auction halls and platform, compound wall, weigh bridges, grading equipment, sanitary, internal roads congestion, electrification, farmers hostel, trader's and commission agent's shops, etc. The loans are sanctioned as per the norms prescribed by MSAMB.

As per the rules of the Marketing Board, the rate of interest for development works are as follows:

Sr. No. Class of APMC Rate of Interest
1 Agriculture Pledge loan Scheme 6%
2 All APMC- Drinking water facility, auction halls and platform, compound wall, weigh bridges, grading equipment, sanitary, internal road congestion, electrification, farmers hostel, Other work, trader's and commission agent's shops, etc. 6%

APMCs submit the loan applications with details, which are being processed at the head office. The APMC has to submit a loan proposal along with the following documents.

  • Loan application in the prescribed form.
  • Loan repayment agreement.
  • Value of registered mortgage property is to be equal to sanctioned loan amount.
  • Indemnity Bond of all apmc director.
  • Sanction from competent authority for building plan & layout.
  • Approval under section 12(1).
  • Approval under section 32(1).

The repayment period of loan provided for the following development works is as follows.

Sr. No. Development Work Repayment Period
1 All APMC’s- Drinking water facility, auction hall & platform, compound, Computers and Weigh bridge, grading equipment, sanitary, internal road congestion, electrification, farmers hostel, other work. 10 Years
2 Traders Shops 5 Years
3 Commercial Complex (Interim Loan) 1 Year
4 Agricultural Pledge Loan Scheme 6 Months

The Marketing Board has disbursed the loan amount Rs.384.86 Crore to 253 Agriculture Produce Market committee's  in the State during last 38 years (i.e. from 1986-87 to 2023-24). Also, under Scheme Agricultural Pledge Loan from 1990-91 in the state throuhg Agricultural Produce Market Committees to the farmers has been disbursed amount Rs.262.58 Crore.