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As per provision of section 37 (2) of the Act, every market committee has topay an annual contribution to the Marketing Board, on the basis of their income. The Govt. of Maharashtra vide notification no.APM\1085\6568\ 621\11-c Dated - 04/04/1988 has specified the following rates of contribution.

Sr. No. Annual Income of APMC Rate of Contribution
1 Below Rs.1.75 lac 1 %
2 Above Rs.1.75 - 3.00 lac 2 %
3 Above Rs.3.00 - 10.00 lac 3 %
4 Above Rs.10.00 lac 5 %

As per the provision of section 37(2) of the Act, every APMC shall, out of market fund, pay within two months, from the date of expiry of previous year, to the Marketing Board the annual contribution as fixed by the Govt. as per the above notification.

During 2023-24 as per income out of 305 APMCs, contribution of 294 APMCs was fixed to Rs.55.54 crores.